not really our standard I need to say......but I am not unfortunately I have not found a good AND available place to stay for our 4 nights of cenote Thomas asked the dive master (by the way an ex student of mine from BRG Zell am See......) and he organised this hotel for us......
not really a hotel more a hostel but it was okay ......the best thing here is a huge English exchange library (as I have again run out of books.....this is vital)
and what really gets on my nerves is that in the pedestrian zone there are a lot of "vacancy" signs in front of really nice hotels......
but I need to stop that.....
thank god we have a car that makes us much more independent, well for the next days it will make ME much more independent as Thomas is going to do the cenotes which unfortunately with my level of diving knowledge and diplomas I am not allowed to do.....